PT Aqua Farm Nusantara Held COVID- 19 Safety Socialization at Naga Kisar Village

    PT Aqua Farm Nusantara Held COVID- 19 Safety Socialization at Naga Kisar  Village

    MEDAN - About fifty people of Naga Kisar village,   Pantai Cermin sub-district, Serdang  Bedagai attended socialization session on  COVID-19 Safety organized by PT Aqua  Farm Nusantara (PTAN) and local Health  Office to communities living around Lubuk Naga processing facilities on Monday  ( 12/10/2020 )

    “This is part of our KAMI PEDULI Community Health Program of COVID-19 Safety Awareness Outreach that we jointly organized with Pantai Cermin Community  Health Center. Educational information  Labout COVID-19, how it infects people and how to prevent the infection was  delivered by Linda, SKM, local COVID-19 Taskforce Educator. We also emphasized the importance of wearing mask, washing hands and practicing social distancing. We distributed reusable masks and educational fliers to participants, ” said Dian Octavia, Senior Manager Corporate & Community Affairs. 

    Dian said, to date the company has conducted socialization sessions at four villages at Pantai Cermin, Perbaungan and Teluk Mengkudu sub-districts. “The feedback from the communities and local health officers is very positive. This is a collaboration between the company and Serdang Bedagai District Government. We would like to thank Serdang Bedagai District Government and Health Office  team for their continued support, ” said  Dian.  

    “Our next COVID-19 Safety socialization  sessions will be held at villages in Ajibata  subdistricts, Toba Regency, ” said Dian. Previously, as part of KAMI PEDULI  Masyarakat for COVID-19 program, PT AN has provided face masks, hand soap, disinfecting agent, portable hand washing stations and other medical equipment to  local communities and health centres to  help reduce the risks of the spread of the  coronavirus.  

    “We will continue to work with Health  Office and community health centres  through our KAMI PEDULI Community for  COVID-19 programs to contribute to our  national effort to stop the coronavirus  spread in the community. We always put  the safety and health of our employees  and communities as our top priority, , ”said  Dian. ( Karmel )



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